Thursday, 31 March 2011

Evaluation Question 2 - Representations

i have chosen to display two stills of images that help me answer how my product represents social groups.
i have a still shot of one of our protagonists sourced from our media product. i also have a still shot of jason statham in his movie the mechanic. we have constructed our character to be similar to the characters played by jason statham. we did this so our audience could easily recognise him and attribute the characteristics that should be associated with this type of character.
Both shots are from the side of the characters. the appearance of the characters themselves are rugged. they both seem to be wearing dark clothing and have their collars pulled up suggesting to the audience that they have something to hide and reinforces their mysterious personalities. This is why i feel we have been successful in making our product accurately represent a social group and that is instantly recognisable to our target audience

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